Text Protocols



Supporting Documents

All protocols below can be used to reflect on, discuss, and improve understanding based on a common text.

“Think-pair-share” activity for pre-reads

Provides a silent processing opportunity

Encourages active listening and structured sharing

Dissect a text’s alignment with personal beliefs and values

Processing in small groups to encourage deeper understanding

Encourage understanding of a text using a compass framework

Allows small groups to process a text

Develop comprehension in a larger group

Structures a process to dissect a text

Improve comprehension and connect the text to work in schools in a three-step process

“Think-pair-share” activity for pre-reads

Protocols for Deeper Discussion

The protocols below can be used to support discussion based on specific topics but are not text dependent.

Build community with colleagues around potentially polarizing topics

Discuss an issue or explore a topic of interest common amongst colleagues

Solicit feedback when creating or revising policies or practices